Monday, March 05, 2007 at 6:44 PM
By Xin Chen, Software EngineerIf you've registered a new bulk upload in your Google Base account in the past week, you've seen the new bulk upload formatting instructions that appear after selecting your file's name and item type. This page represents a large and ongoing cross-team collaboration between myself, Clay Bavor, John McKeeman, and June Lee. Our goal is to provide you with detailed, explicit information on which attributes you need to include to make your items visible.
We provide a list of the attributes that are relevant to your item type, organized by priority. Essential attributes appear as "required"; others are grouped as "recommended" or "optional." We strongly suggest you include non-required attributes if possible, as their inclusion will optimize your items' performance. Clear examples are shown for each attribute, and there are also small screenshots of what your bulk upload's header row should look like if you're creating it in a spreadsheet.

What's really exciting about this launch is that now we have the ability to instantly update these documents to give you clear attribute examples and up-to-date formatting tips and instructions. We hope these new pages help you create an optimized bulk upload, and if you have other suggestions on how to improve this process, we'd like to hear them.