Monday, December 11, 2006 at 9:40 AM
By Nick White, Software EngineerLiving in Los Angeles, I see a lot of facelifts. Some would say one-year-olds are too young for plastic surgery, but for Google Base we're making an exception. Today I'd like to announce a new look for our search interface. We've introduced new ways for you to view your favorite type of data.

You can now view some types of information in a table -- or a grid, if you prefer. We updated the sorting and refinement user interface to be cleaner and faster. (The more technical among you may notice we're using the fun and friendly Google Web Toolkit for the AJAX features.)

One of my favorite updates is the addition of ratings and reviews: if you find a favorite new curry recipe, give it five stars. Better yet, write a review -- I'm sure everyone will appreciate your insights.
So whether you need a date for the New Year's party in Hollywood, a snazzy new car to get there, or a new place to call home, search for it on Google. And don't forget to bake a cake for the party!