AdWords ads via Google Base bulk uploads

Friday, October 27, 2006 at 1:44 PM

By Maya Capur, Google Base Operations Manager

We are delighted to introduce a new way to submit AdWords ads for multiple items in Google Base! Previously, you could only do this for individually posted items but now you can do this through your bulk upload file. We think this is a significant improvement for content providers with multiple items who would like an integrated advertising solution.

Here's How:
You should first set your daily budget and other AdWords campaign settings. If you don't have an AdWords account already, we'll lead you through a few easy steps to create one. Then, you'll specify details -- like the text for your ads -- by using the optional advertising attributes within your bulk upload file. After you successfully upload your file, we'll automatically create these ads within your AdWords account. The best part? We automatically target your ads based on the content of your Google Base item, so there is no need for you to tell us which keywords will trigger your ads -- one less step for you. There's more detail on how to submit ads through your bulk upload here.

We've also recognized that several items in your bulk upload might fall under the same category, and there is no need to create one ad for each of them. So for advertising purposes, there's a way to group similar items together and use a single ad to point to all of them.

As you might gather, we're working constantly to develop new features like this in the hope that they offer a better experience to content providers. If you have further questions on any of this, send us a note at