Friday, August 18, 2006 at 4:17 PM
By Jean Tessier, Google Base EngineerWe're pleased to offer Google Base providers more information on how your items are faring. For example, you might want to know how often they are part of search results ("impressions"), and how frequently people are clicking on them ("clicks"). Now you can find the answers on your "My items" page.

We've added three new columns on the items dashboard: impressions, clicks, and page views. Each time an item is part of a Google Base or Froogle search, the item gets an impression. Each time someone clicks on an item on a search result page, the item gets a click. Each time someone clicks on the URL of an item hosted by Google Base, the item gets a page view. (This might be from a search results page, a URL in an email, or any of a number of other ways.)
We can only update impressions and clicks once a day, but hosted page views are updated many times throughout the day. (One small caveat: we just began collecting data early in June, so the counters will not have information for items that you posted before then). More information about this new feature can be found here.
And here's a tip: if your offer has many impressions, but few clicks, spruce up its title and add detailed attributes, images, etc. to make it more appealing and easily searchable by users.