Data Tip: Submitting business location data

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 at 6:09 PM

By Jen Peng, Google Base Operations

In addition to some of the more common information types that are bulk uploaded such as Vehicles, Jobs, and Recipes, Google Base also accepts files that include business location information. Known as Google Local business locations bulk uploads, these files contain addresses, phone numbers, and operating hours for physical business locations. Users will find this information in Google Local search results for queries like:

Best Buy near zip code 55305

Ace Hardware near Mason, Ohio

Business locations bulk uploads are meant for businesses that have 10 or more physical locations. Note that we only accept these particular bulk upload files in tab-delimited text (.txt) format -- and that it may take up to 6 weeks for your locations to appear in Google Local. You can find more information on how to correctly format, save, and upload a Google Local business locations bulk upload file here. If your business has less than 10 locations, you can add your information through Google Local Business Center.

Google Base also accepts product inventory details for each of your business locations that users can find in Froogle Local Shopping search results. To add your local store information, submit a "Products" bulk upload to Google Base that includes price and location values for each of your products. Learn more about listing your product inventory here.